9. czecho-SLOVak cONFERENCe of cLINICal phARMAcOLoGy, 2.-3.9.2021 - INFORMation
9. CZECHO-SLOVAK CONFERENCE OF CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY - "Clinical Pharmacology 2021: Challenges and Perspectives", 2.-3.9.2021, held at the same time as jubilee 30. Conference of Clinical Pharmacology SSCP SkMA, 22. Czech Conference Clinical Pharmacology, 24. Czech Conference of DURG a 26. Czech Conference of TDM.
Online only.
Program - see below. The connection was free for all interested.
INFORMATION FOR PARTICIPANTS - Please contact organizers (see below).
- Conference was ACCREDITED by ARS CME (Slovak Accreditation Agency for CME, partner of EACCME-UEMS),
- nubmer of CME Credits: 2.9.2021 8, 3.9.2021 6, 2. + 3.9.2021: 14. Pre-registration was necessary - using the online REGISTRATION FORM.
- registration for active participation/abstract submission - till 25.7.2021 12:00 (including the payment of the registration fee)
- information about paper acceptance/rejection - till 10.8.2021 12:00
- registration for passive participation (necessary for CME credits) - till 31.8.2021 12:00 (including the payment of the registration fee)
- program, registration, CMEcredits: MUDr. Helena Glasová, PhD., e-mail: helena.glasova@szu.sk, +421-2-59370.767
- partnership, sponsors: prof. MUDr. Jozef Glasa, CSc., PhD., e-mail: jozef.glasa@szu.sk, +421-2-59370.547, prim. MUDr. Klára Soboňová, PhD., klara.sobonova@nspnz.sk
- Slovak Medical Association (SkMA) contact (agreements, payments, úhrady etc.): Valéria Petrovičová, petrovicova@sls.sk, +421-2-5292.2017; .2019; .2020